The New GitHub Profile

Aravind V V
3 min readAug 13, 2020


Hey fellows! Hows you all ? I know its been a tough year for everyone amidst the pandemic. Along with the mind freezing news made by covid19, tech community had some great news too, lets say it be about Space-X or Bootstrap 5 alpha. One among the good news or updates for tech community out there is GitHub adding read-me for our profile.

Yeah! you heard it right 😁 Now we can add a read-me for our profile so that when someone visiting our GitHub profile, they can see a more attractive page. But how we can make it ? Well! that's what I gonna discuss in this article.

The Setup

The foremost step is to create the read-me file. How we gonna do it? Simple, go to your GitHub account and create a new repository.

Remember, The new repository name should be same as your username. It should be public and select the option to initialize read me.

There you go! now its time to edit and make your read-me beautiful.

The Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling all forms of writing on the GitHub platform. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like # or *.

There is specific syntax which we can use to get web features like h1, h2, b (bold), i (italics), etc.

‘#’ is used for a text with tag h1 => #Heading1

‘##’ is for h2 => ##Heading2

similarly we use **bold** , *italic*

for adding image => ![alt text](url)

![profile pic](/img/pic.png)

Its better to go through each of the syntax to know better.

GitHub Guide for Markdown


Now that you have the basics of markdown, here is a bonus to make your read me standout! You can visit my README to see there are some badges displayed, most of its data are in the form of badge. Also there is a collapsing headlines which displays content when we click on it. How I did that?

EASY PEASY! You can create custom badges so easily that are so dynamic, using the site . Visit the site and you can easily learn how its done , once you create the badges you will get links for the badge which you should add to the readme as image.

Now how about the collapse div?? well GitHub readme do recognize some of basic html tags, tags like p , h1-h6, b , img , etc can be used as we wish. you can check my read me for reference. so for collapse, we can use the HTML tag as follows,

<summary>Heading of div</summary>
<p>details to be expanded</p>


A friend Aaditay Garg suggested me to add one more feature which added more detail to the readme! It is our-Stats.

There is a cool repository made by Anuraghazra, which lets us use custom stats. check it out GitHub-Readme-Stats

et voilà ! That’s how you do magic with GitHub readme! Hope the post is informative and simple, If you like the post do clap and share to your techie friends!

