How to add Custom Header (Banner) on your Terminal (Linux)

Aravind V V
3 min readAug 18, 2020


Howdy, folks. This post is for Linux lovers, especially for those who are in love with terminal. Wont it be cool if we add a banner to the terminal so that every time we fire up the terminal we see a custom banner, whether it be our name, code-name, brand-name, anything. Today lets do it! I am using Ubuntu. If you are using any other distro and face some issue, feel free to let me know through response.

First thing first, lets install ⚙️

ReQuirements 👾

  1. FIGlet
  2. lolcat
  3. extra-fonts for FIGlet (optional)

Lets install one by one, do these


FIGlet is a computer program that generates text banners, in a variety of typefaces, composed of letters made up of conglomerations of smaller ASCII characters.

  • sudo apt-get install figlet

You can know the full details and functioning of FIGlet by man command

  • man figlet

Syntax for generating banner

figlet -f {fontname} “TEXT FOR BANNER”

to know the font names available along with how they look, use this command in terminal:

showfigfonts — it shows font with default text

showfigfonts “SOME TEXT” — it shows font with custom text

As FIGlet being setup, now lets add some more fonts to our arsenal.

follow these commands:

Now if you try showfigfonts again, you will see lot more fonts.


Lolcat provide color for the text we display on terminal.

  • git clone
  • cd lolcat/bin/ && sudo gem install lolcat

for help with lolcat command, use

  • lolcat -h

The Final Steps

  • sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

This will open up a text editor with lot of script in it, scroll to the bottom and

add the following:

  • clear
  • figlet -c -f {font_you_chose} “Text_to_be_displayed” | lolcat

Done! save it and open a new terminal to see the banner there. You can add your own customization.

Extra Utilities you may like

  1. Cowsay — Cowsay is a configurable talking cow, originally written in Perl by Tony Monroe.

Easy Install — sudo apt-get install cowsay

for more description and usage docs visit here.

2. fortune When fortune is run with no arguments it prints out a random epigram.

Easy Install — sudo apt-get install fortune

use this command to know the usage — man fortune

For more interesting utilities, visit here

That’s it for today! If the article is informative, do clap 👏 and share, reviews are most welcome 😉 see you in next story! 👻



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